The first German Shorthaired Pointer joined our family in 1978 and the Valache prefix was founded upon the arrival of our first litter in 1982. They are an amazing breed and fit in with whatever lifestyle you lead..... lounge lizards or jogging buddies! We can never imagine being without them.
Kate's Dobermann Team also reside at Valache, and the black and tans are highly successful - read about them on their own page!
Anne is currently licensed for Toys, Terriers, Hounds, Gundogs (Sporting) and the Utility (Working) Groups and enjoys judging all of these breed groups. She has judged in the UK twice, France, New Zealand, and had a fantastic entry of beautiful dogs in Mexico City in August 2011 & again in 2018 - such an honor. It is always an privilege to be invited to judge your own breed overseas and interstate, and Anne has been very appreciative of the fantastic entries received during her appointments.
Kate's other passion is her equine pursuits, and with Anne as chief strapper, she has a team of exciting dressage youngsters that keep us occupied on the Summer weekends. You can keep up with the equines on the VALACHE DRESSAGE Page
Please contact us if you would like to talk about our breed, or are interested in one joining your family. We usually only breed one or two litters per year to fulfill orders, or to keep a puppy for the show team.
We currently do not plan to breed any Dobermann litters in the near future. .
Our dogs are first and foremost our family and we do not breed for profit. For references and photos of the wonderful family dogs we have sold visit Family Snaps - Perfect Pets
Find us on Facebook at Valache German Shorthaired Pointers - a place where our family of Valache owners can share stories and adventures, arrange meet ups and ask questions.